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February 12th, 2023
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
St. Paul’s Within the Walls Episcopal Church – Rome, Italy


The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
5th February 2023, 10.30am

Tikkun Olam

Any of you who have attended our weekly Wednesday Within the Walls program will not be surprised on hearing that last week after the prayer session we sat down to eat together; but this week was particularly special. It was the final day of a cooking class for selected refugees and migrants, organized by our JNRC alongside Beth Hillel, the progrogressive Jewish community of Rome, and run by chef Lorenzo Leonetti of the Osteria Grandma. The food was prepared by the students, and we all sat down to eat together: Jews, Muslims, and Christians, with international dishes and conversation: an overwhelming experience of sharing that truly has the power to ‘Heal the World.’ Thanks to all the team for a wonderful and – yes – emotional evening!

Join us any Wednesday evening for prayers and a light supper – while we can’t promise the kind of spread that was prepared last week, we can promise a rewarding experience, our own version of Tikkun Olam!

Wednesday evenings, 7pm on the second floor of Via Napoli 58.

Help for Women & Children in the JNRC

At the beginning of November, the JNRC opened its Women and Children’s room. Previously, only one woman would enter the JNRC every couple of weeks. Now around 5 women enter per day! It is a safe space for women and children to have their own room and space. There are also sewing and yoga classes available to them!

If you are interested in donating items, there is always a need for rain jackets, diapers, and menstrual pads. If you are interested in donating financially, click on the button below and write “Women and Children” in the memo/note line!

Donate to JNRC!

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

February 12th, 2023

09.15 Conversations with Scripture will be in the Parish Hall!

10.30 Holy Eucharist

Click the image to view or download the bulletin.

Lectionary Readings:

Live & Give

What is it about St. Paul’s that feeds and nourishes you? 
Is it our beautiful building, or the wonderful choir and organ music that accompanies the Sunday Eucharist? Is it the joy of sharing in prayer and quiet contemplation with people from all over the world, or how we embrace cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity? Is it the warmth of our invitations to shared meals, the rich nightly concert programs, or our daily offerings of safety and resources for refugees and migrants?

Whatever your response, we invite you to share with us in keeping alive those things you value at St. Paul’s.
During this season of Epiphany, we want to make sure you have the opportunity to participate no matter how large or small your gift is. There is still time to fill out your giving estimate! Cards are in the church and can be filled in and placed in the offering plate, or you can use the online form!

Click here to make a donation!






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