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 January 15th, 2023
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
St. Paul’s Within the Walls Episcopal Church – Rome, Italy

Save the Date — 150th Anniversary!


150th Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone

We invite you to a Solemn Evensong to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone on Sunday, 29th of January 2023. While our actual 150th anniversary is on the 25th of January, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, we will be celebrating with our ecumenical siblings at the Papal Vespers that evening and have chosen the 29th as a suitable alternative date.

The service begins at 18:30 and will be followed by a reception in the church.

The Gifts of God

When we receive God’s greatest gift, and we commit to sharing his love and light with the world, the places we inhabit begin to change.

Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 15th, 2023, 10.30 am

Conversations with Scripture returns this Sunday at 9:15am in the crypt!

Click the image to view or download the bulletin. or click here for the Italian version.

Lectionary Readings:

St. Paul’s Book Club

Live + Give

Exciting news! We surpassed our goal of a €50,000 monetary goal! We thank everyone who has contributed to our Live + Give campaign. However, we haven’t reached our goal of 100% participation.

During this season of Epiphany, we want to make sure you participate regardless of how big your gift is. There is still time to fill out your giving estimate. Envelopes are in the church and can be submitted at the back of the church by the Live + Give sign.

If you would like to give right away online, click here!

Give Now!






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