EACH YEAR the ecumenical group of English speaking churches in Rome (Churches Together in Rome) join together in raising funds for a joint project during the season of Lent. This year’s chosen project is the Little Eden Society based in South Africa.
The Little Eden Society was established in 1967 in South Africa by the late Servants of God Domitilla and Danny Hyams and is licensed to operate under the Department of Health Gauteng Provincial Government and is a registered Non-profit Organisation (001-827 NPO). The founding couple have received numerous awards in recognition of their pioneering work.
The Little Eden Society was established in 1967 in South Africa by the late Servants of God Domitilla and Danny Hyams and is licensed to operate under the Department of Health Gauteng Provincial Government and is a registered Non-profit Organisation (001-827 NPO). The founding couple have received numerous awards in recognition of their pioneering work.
The Society cares for 300 children and adults with profound intellectual disabilities, ranging from three to over 70 years of age. Statistically, the average chronological age of their residents is 26 years, but the level of mental functioning is that of a one year old or younger. Of 300 residents, 71 % are previously abandoned or come from indigent families who are unable to support them financially or otherwise. Currently, it costs the Society R13 460.00 to care for one resident per month (approx. 700 euro).

The nature of the work carried out at Little Eden Society is underpinned by the three core Values of Respect, Sanctity of Life and Love & Care®. The vision and mission of the society remains, to cme for, develop and enhance the quality of life, with love and understanding from a dedicated staff, persons with intellectual disability of all races and creeds entrusted to us, by providing with trust in Divine Providence and in co-operation with the parents, the community and the State the necessary spiritual, nursing, therapy and stimulation services in as efficient and economical manner as possible.
The Society provides care to the residents at two separate locations – Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home (DDHH) in Edenvale (150 residents) and Elvira Rota Village (ERV) in Bapsfontein (150 residents). The two Homes are quite different in design and layout where DDHH caters more at the level of frail care and has a therapy programme, our ERV Home has a daily stimulation programme; and places a greater emphasis on participation in activities of daily living (ADLs).
Little Eden aims to develop persons with intellectual disabilities to their full potential and to encourage the community to recognise that each such person is whole and complete created by God with a mind, a body, a spirit, a soul.
For more information on the Society you can visit their website (https://www.littleeden.org.za/). Donations can be made directly through their website, or through St. Paul’s – by putting your donation (in a clearly marked envelope) in the Offering plate on Sundays, or by using the Tithe.ly link.
Churches Together in Rome:
All Saints’ (Church of England)
Anglican Centre in Rome (Anglican Communion)
Caravita Community (RC)
Chiesa Evangelica Metodista Via Firenze
Church of Sweden
Evangelical Lutheran Church
International Church (International Baptist Convention)
Methodist Ecumenical Office (MEOR)
Ponte Sant’Angelo Methodist Church (PSA)
Rome Baptist Church (International Baptist Convention)
Salvation Army, Rome
San Silvestro (RC)
St. Andrew’s (Church of Scotland)
St. Patrick’s (RC)
St. Paul’s (Episcopal Church)