The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and those who live in it.
Psalm 24:1
What do we mean by ‘Stewardship’ at St. Paul’s?
As Christians, we recognize that all we have is from God, and we are merely stewards of his bounty. As responsible stewards, we return to our generous Creator a measure of what we have been given, for the increase of his kingdom on earth.
God has chosen the Church as the primary bearer of Jesus’ Good News, and God has equipped every member of the Body of Christ with a gift to offer. Our participation in this mission of God is important not only for the life of the church and its witness in the world, but also for our own spiritual well-being. Through faithful giving, we respond to God’s call to be disciples together – yes, maintaining the infrastructure of our buildings and ministries but much more importantly, encouraging our spiritual growth by providing opportunities for our worship, spiritual discipline, fellowship, service and evangelism.
Our commitment, or pledge, is therefore a promise between us and the Lord of all creation to make a priority of our relationship with God in the coming year. By our pledge, we become partners in God’s saving work.
How much should I give? How much is enough?
We do not pledge merely to keep the church office open and the lights and heating on. We give because God has called us to give. Therefore, our invitation to Stewardship has two goals:
- Individually, that every member of this congregation will give faithfully;
- Communally, that we will provide for the ministry to which God has called us.
The standard of our Christian giving should reflect the standard of our living, and at St. Paul’s we seek to give God our best, not just what’s leftover or what’s easy. The biblical standard of giving is the tithe, the first 10% of one’s income. For some, the tithe will be a goal toward which one works, while, for others, the tithe will mark a minimum gift.
I’m ready to give faithfully! How can I do so?
Using the pledge card, fill out the amount you wish to pledge for the year in USD or EUR.
Payment options
- Cash or check: if you wish to use this option, please check the box for envelopes and you will be given a series of dated envelopes, ones for each Sunday plus special occasions, which you can fill and place in the Offerings plate each Sunday.
- Bank Transfer: if you check this box, we will gladly send you our bank details so you can set up a one-time or a recurring pledge payment.
- Credit card: Simply visit to give via It’s easy and fun to use!
No matter what amount you feel called to pledge to God through St. Paul’s this year, we do hope that you will make a commitment. If financial circumstances change during the year and you need to revise your pledge, you can always do so. So please pledge and do so joyfully!
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and for choosing to be a part of St. Paul’s mission and ministry. May God bless you in the year to come with more faith, more joy, and more life through Christ our Lord!