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February 26th, 2023

First Sunday in Lent
St. Paul’s Within the Walls Episcopal Church – Rome, Italy

In this edition:

Missed last Sunday? Watch here!
February 19th: The Last Sunday after Epiphany
Sermon by The Rev. Austin K. Rios: Revealing Motivation (at time 0:20:20)
Click here to read the text

Lent at St. Paul’s

Every Wednesday:

Wednesday Within the Walls

Come and join us on the Second Floor of Via Napoli 58 on Wednesday evenings at 19.00. We begin with evening prayers and Taizé-style singing in the library, then eat a simple meal together and share thoughts on the reading we’ve just heard. It’s an international, multilingual event, and all are welcome. If you haven’t yet been to one of these evenings, put it on your list of things do this Lent!

Churches Together in Rome
Weekly Lenten Offerings


07.20 In the Language of the Heart: Lenten Morning Prayer
On Zoom, organized by the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
Click here to join the meeting or use Meeting ID: 827 3591 6603 | Passcode: 443801

12.45 Holy Eucharist at the Anglican Centre
Piazza del Collegio Romano 2, 00186 Roma – Tel: 06. 678 0302

17.30 Lenten Studies: Hiding and Emerging
At the Anglican Centre
Speaker: The Rev. Robert Warren (All Saints’)

  • February 28: Moses in Misìdian (Exodus 2:11-3:22)
  • March 7: Israel in the Desert (Exodus 16:1-36)
  • March 14: Elijah in the Wilderness
    (1 Kings 19:1-21)
  • March 21: Jesus in the Empty Spaces (Luke 4:1-13)
19.00 Wednesday Within the Walls at St. Paul’s
See above for details.

09.00 Lent Walking Tours
Organised by Fr. Matt Berrios (St. Patrick’s)
All tours are on Saturdays beginning at 9am, ending approximately 12.30pm. 

  • March 4: San Paolo Fuori le Mura; Abbazia Tre Fontane 
  • March 11: Santa Maria del Popolo; Santa Maria in Montesanto; Santa Maria dei Miracoli; All-Saints Anglican Church; Sant’Atanasio; Trinità dei Monti.
  • March 18: Basilica Dodici Apostoli, Chiesa del Gesù; Sant’Andrea delta Valle; Chiesa Nuova.
Requested Donation: 10 € per tour (collected on tour). Reservations required: mberrios@paulist.org. Tours begin at 9:00 AM sharp! Meet Fr. Matt at the FIRST church on list for that day. If you get lost call (+39) 349-812-5058. Wear comfortable shoes!

Lenten Retreat
Orvieto, 17th-18th March
(organized by Caravita).

The annual Caravita Lenten Retreat will take place in Orvieto 17-18 March, led by Pauline Darby, with the title The Gaze of Love (in line with the gospel for the 4th Sunday of Lent – the healing of the blind man). As in previous years, there will be a welcome dinner on the Friday evening at a local restaurant in Orvieto with accommodation available in a Casa per Ferie (religious bed and breakfast). You can arrive Friday evening or Saturday morning. There is a cost for accommodation if you stay Friday night and a small fee for the retreat.

For more information or to register your interest, please email pastoralcouncil@caravita.org with your name and contact details.

Please register by February 26th.

First Sunday in Lent

February 26th, 2023

09.15 Conversations with Scripture
(in the Parish Hall)

Join us each Sunday at 09.15 in the Parish Hall for coffee and reflections on one of the readings of the day, using an African Scripture wrestling method. All are welcome!

10.30 Holy Eucharist

Click the image to view or download the bulletin.

Lectionary Readings:

Live & Give

What is it about St. Paul’s that feeds and nourishes you? 
Is it our beautiful building, or the wonderful choir and organ music that accompanies the Sunday Eucharist? Is it the joy of sharing in prayer and quiet contemplation with people from all over the world, or how we embrace cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity? Is it the warmth of our invitations to shared meals, the rich nightly concert programs, or our daily offerings of safety and resources for refugees and migrants?

Whatever your response, we invite you to share with us in keeping alive those things you value at St. Paul’s.
During this season of Epiphany, we want to make sure you have the opportunity to participate no matter how large or small your gift is. There is still time to fill out your giving estimate! Cards are in the church and can be filled in and placed in the offering plate, or you can use the online form!

Click here to make a donation!






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