“We intend to build a stone church, distinctively Gothic in style, to seat not less than seven hundred, and of such proportions and workmanship as shall be in some measure worthy to represent, in the Old World’s capital, our faith and our nation … The very stones, the spire and chimes, of a distinctive church building, will teach more of the strength and reality of our Christianity than any amount of writings that might be distributed …”
— from St. Paul’s Within the Walls, by Reverend R. J. Nevin, published 1878

The Comprehensive Renovation of St. Paul’s: Project 2010
Project Update Spring 2013

We Invite You to be a Part of St. Paul’s Restoration

We hope you will consider taking part in the restoration of St. Paul’s. We seek not only to preserve this Victorian Gothic gem – used, visited, and appreciated by so many every day — but to ensure that its many ministries that serve and unite the people of Rome will continue for future generations as well.

Gifts may be made payable to “The Board of St. Paul’s, Rome”

Please state in the memo portion of your check that your contribution is to be specifically for the restoration fund.

Mailing address:
Robert V. Edgar, Treasurer
1215 5th Avenue, 9c
New York, NY 10029, USA


St. Paul’s Within the Walls
Via Napoli 58
00184 Roma, Italy

If you wish to donate publicly traded securities, please call Bob Edgar at 212-686-2564 and he will provide you with the instructions for transferring the securities to the Board of St. Paul’s.

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