Reign of the Good Shepherd
We are part of the larger network of creation—meant to live in harmony with one another and with the wondrous complexity of our natural world.
We are part of the larger network of creation—meant to live in harmony with one another and with the wondrous complexity of our natural world.
Whatever kind of gifts we have at our disposal, the God we worship asks us to risk them all for the sake of a reconciled and resurrected world.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to connect us to one another, we begin to learn increasingly deeper lessons about how we can love one another better.
Today is the feast of your saints, of my saints, of our beloved, holy dead who live with God.
“To give God what belongs to God” is about recognizing the infinite value of the image/likeness we see.
We are called to remember the promise embedded in the Garden for all creation, we are called to remember the shared Abrahamic Covenant that yokes Jews, Muslims, and Christians to a common story, and we are called to proclaim and work for a world where wisdom, not wrath, wins the day.
We press on in the journey—connecting to God and one another through prayer and working together to see the gospel vision shared on earth as we believe it to be already realized in heaven.
The stronger we grow together, the more our community will be able to welcome others into our common life, and the more resilient we will be to turn our efforts and focus toward the larger systems of suffering within our world.
Let us drink deeply and go forth boldly together, refreshed and renewed for the transformation of our relationships, our systems, and our world.
We are a people called to tell the truth when it is inconvenient and when it costs us social capital and standing.
The call of God more often comes to us when we, like Moses, choose to turn aside from a rote and programmed approach to life, and take time to be curious about what is happening right beside us.
Today Jesus asks each of us this same question: And you, who do you say I am?
Who really are you and how is that shown to the rest of the world on a daily basis?
We encounter crisis after crisis, and yet, over and over God provides support as we gain perspective and new partners in pursuing the common good.
St. Paul's Within the Walls,
Via Napoli 58, 00184 Roma, Italy
Tel: +39 06 4883339
Interim Rector: The Rev. Canon John W. Kilgore, M.D.
Bishop-in-Charge: The Rt. Rev. Mark D. W. Edington