Easter 3 (First on Friday)
Weekly E-pistle for The Week We Walk to Emmaus Continue Reading
Palm Sunday Live
Sunday, April 5 @ 11:00 am. Join by Facebook or Zoom (for Zoom, please register in advance).Continue Reading
St. Paul’s Goes Live!
Until further notice: – All services will be livestreamed from St. Paul’s! Join us on Zoom or Facebook.Continue Reading
CoronaCasts: Worship Online at St. Paul’s
As we navigate the new reality of life in the time of Covid-19, St. Paul’s will be using Zoom and Facebook Live as tools for keeping us spiritually healthy. Our CoronaCasts will begin this Sunday at 10:30AM CET and continue into the foreseeable future. We invite your input as we beginContinue Reading
COVID-19 – Government decree of March 8th
In accordance with the decree of March 8th, St. Paul’s has adopted the following measures: All concerts are suspended until further notice. The JNRC will also be closed until further notice. Sunday services and Wednesday Within the Walls will go ahead as planned, with the proviso that social distancing mustContinue Reading
Convocation Statement regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak
The emergence of cases of COVID-19 (the “coronavirus”) in Europe, and recent deaths in northern Italy associated with the virus, should be a matter of concern to all of our communities. There are basic steps each of our communities can follow to minimize risks to all of our people andContinue Reading