I believe that many people who attend St. Paul’s, or any other Church, are called by God in a special way. After my return to Rome from England in 1979, I began to attend a Catholic Church near my home with the rest of my Italian family who are Catholics.
But since my roots are in the Anglican church in Nigeria, I started to search for an English-speaking Anglican Church in Rome. I first came to St Paul’s Church in the eighties to photograph weddings, Baptisms, and other ceremonies, but never thought to attend it as a member, until many years later. In 1999, my desire grew, and God did ‘instruct’ me to go to St Paul’s: and I’m happy I obeyed. Since then, he’s been walking and working with me in his house.
When I started attending this Church, I knew I had answered a call, not to be a priest or a deacon, but to work in other capacities the Lord has reserved for me. My first joy was the warm welcome and friendship from the people and the love of Christ given me to share with other parishioners. I met many other Africans in the Church, and shortly became the coordinator of the African group. With the help of the Church staff, we organize an Africa Day celebration every year.
It’s a blessing to serve at St. Paul’s, and there are many activities in which one is encouraged to participate. I have served as Vestry member several times, as Junior Warden twice, and once as Senior Warden. I have also served as a member of the Convocation’s discernment committee (COMB) and have been a delegate to various Annual Conventions of the Convocation.