Trinity Sunday

This MorningThis WeekUpcoming EventsCommitGet Involved

Welcome to St. Paul’s Within the Walls, the multi-cultural, multi-lingual Episcopal church in the heart of Rome. The main focus of our outreach ministry is the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (JNRC), offering services to refugees and asylum seekers.

This morning we celebrate the 61st Anniversary of the Founding of the African Union, and we welcome Ambassadors and dignitaries from various African countries. There will be an extended coffee hour this morning in celebration, so please stay after the Eucharist to get to know us and each other better!

For our younger members and visitors, there is a Children’s Corner with toys, books and coloring sheets near the wooden pulpit. Feel free to make use of it!

And if you are looking for somewhere to have lunch, why not join us at the Quirinale Hotel? (€15 for a first course, water and coffee, full menu also available).

Didn’t pick up a bulletin? Not to worry – you can view it online here!

This Week

Sun 26        
10.30 Sung Holy Eucharist Rite II Africa Day
20.30 Mendelssohn & Beethoven Symphonies (Opera in Roma, 3515057608)

Mon 27
09.00 Morning Prayer in Spanish(Facebook live, shortlink =
20.30 The Four Seasons (Opera in Roma, 3515057608)

Tue 28  
12.30 Holy Eucharist, Anglican del Collegio Romano 2
20.30 La Traviata (Opera e Lirica, 3381218424)

Wed 29      
09.00 Morning Prayer in Italian(Facebook live, shortlink =
20.30 The Three Tenors (Opera e Lirica, 3381218424)

Thu 30
09.00 Bible Study in Spanish(Facebook live, shortlink =
20.30 Opera Concerto (Musica&Musica 06 4826296)

Fri 31   
20.30 La Traviata (Musica&Musica 06 4826296)

Sat 01                
09.00 Morning Prayer in English(Facebook live, shortlink =
20.30 I Tre Tenori (Opera in Roma, 3515057608)

Twelve Step Groups
English speaking AA and Al-Anon meet at various times during the week (Via Napoli entrance, the gate after the Office door). For more information please call Michael at +39 3332751669.

Upcoming Events

My God is a Rock
Next Sunday, 2nd June, St. Paul’s Choir will be performing a Celebration of Gospel & Spirituals, with Joseph Draycott on piano, and Stefano Vasselli conducting. All proceeds go to St. Paul’s music program, so please be there!

St. Paul’s Book Club
Feel free to join this lively international group online on Thursday 20th June at 7pm. This month we are reading James by Percival Everett. All are welcome! Please speak to Larry Litman for more information.

The Power of Commitment

Things you probably knew:

  • Saint Paul’s Within the Walls has been present in Rome for over 150 years, and was the first non-Roman Catholic church ever built within the ancient walls of the city.
  • Every year the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, a ministry of Saint Paul’s, helps more than 20,000 refugees with nutrition assistance, clothing, language acquisition, job skills training, all in ways that affirm the basic dignity of every person we serve.
  • Saint Paul’s is the center of ecumenical conversations between the Episcopal Church and the other major Christian communions and confessions in the world.

Things you probably didn’t know:

  • Saint Paul’s receives no support from the Episcopal Church in the United States or from the American government.
  • Saint Paul’s receives no support from the government of Italy.
  • Everything we do here to witness to the reconciling love of Christ depends on you and the people sitting around you this morning.

Every day, sustaining the ministry of this church costs €2,170.

It doesn’t matter if the city of Rome is your home, if it is a place you call home for a few months a year, or today is the only day you will ever join us here—you can be part of the remarkable ministry of this place by committing today to support Saint Paul’s this year.

We invite you today to join us in making a commitment to support the life and work of this remarkable place.

Get Involved:

On Sundays
Even if you’re only here for a short time, we want your help! If you can help us out in preparing the Altar, acting as Greeter or Acolyte, or reading the lessons and prayers, please speak to Andrea or call the Parish Office. The schedule is organized week by week via WhatsApp on the basis of availability. Training is given! Greatest current need: Greeters and Acolytes.

Prayer Group and Daughters of the King
The Prayer Group of St. Paul’s and Daughters of the King assist with prayers for healing on the first Sunday of each month. For information on the Prayer Group please speak to Ben Oduwole; if you would like to know more about the Daughters of the King, please speak to Yvette Manigold; or call the Parish Office.

Joel Nafuma Refugee Center
If you are interested in volunteering your time teaching on a regular basis, helping with the distribution of clothing and toiletries, or if you have professional skills you would like to offer, please speak to Mansur Nadri or send an email to The JNRC accepts donations of second-hand clothing and shoes (clean and in good condition, please), and underwear or socks only if new.

And Finally…

If you have enjoyed your visit to St. Paul’s, please consider making a financial contribution, great or small. Donations can be made through our app, by Paypal, bank transfer or cash in the offering plate (envelopes are available if necessary). More information and links can be found here .