The Twenty Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

This MorningThis WeekUpcoming EventsGet Involved

WELCOME to St. Paul’s Within the Walls, the multi-cultural, multi-lingual Episcopal church in the heart of Rome. The main focus of our outreach ministry is the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (JNRC), offering services to refugees and asylum seekers.

Whether you are here for the first time, are returning visitors or regular members of the congregation, we invite you to participate as fully as possible in our worship and ministries. We would love the chance to talk to you, so please join us in the garden for coffee before and after the Eucharist this morning.

Please sign our digital Visitor’s Card and leave comments or questions, or subscribe to our weekly newsletter so you don’t miss out on what’s going on.

  • Didn’t pick up a bulletin? Not to worry – you can view it online here!
  • There is a Children’s Corner with toys and coloring sheets near the wooden pulpit for parents with younger children. Please feel free to make use of it!

After the Service

If you want to know more about our beautiful sanctuary, you can pick up a visitors’ guide at the entrance or check the website.

Looking for a place to eat lunch? Join us at the Hotel Quirinale (first course, water and coffee @ €15, full menu also available). Just make yourself known to today’s group leader at Coffee Hour after the service!

This Week

Sun 19      
10.30       Sung Holy Eucharist (in English with Italian translations)
12.00       Santa Eucaristía (en español)
18.30 Luminaria: Orchestra ‘Giovani Musici di Roma’ – free entrance.

Mon 20    
09.00       Oración de la Mañana en español (Facebook live)
20.30       The Four Seasons (Opera in Roma, 3515057608)

Tue 21      
12.30       Holy Eucharist, Anglican Center ( del Collegio Romano 2)
20.30       La Traviata (Opera e Lirica, 3381218424)

Wed 22 
09.00       Preghiera della Mattina in italiano (Facebook live)
19.00 Thanksgiving Dinner (Crypt of St. Paul’s, entrance through the garden)
All are welcome: sign up on Eventbrite and bring a side, dessert or drinks!
20.30       The Three Tenors (Opera e Lirica, 3381218424)

Thu 23    Offices closed for Thanksgiving  
09.00       Estudio Bíblico in Spanish (Facebook live)
20.30       Opera Concerto (Musica&Musica 06 4826296)

Fri 24    
20.30       La Traviata (Musica&Musica 06 4826296)

Sat 25 
09.00       Morning Prayer in English (Facebook live)
20.30       I Tre Tenori (Opera in Roma, 3515057608)

Twelve Step Groups
English speaking AA and Al-Anon meet at various times during the week (Via Napoli entrance, the gate after the Office door). For more information please call Michael at +39 3332751669.

Upcoming Events: November

Prayers for Healing
Would you like to receive prayer for yourself or for others?  This morning, our prayer teams will be glad to pray with you. How does it work? – After the dismissal and during the Postlude, come forward to one of the teams standing in front of the altar. Begin by telling the team your name, and your prayer request. The team will lay hands on your shoulder and then proceed to pray (if you’d prefer not to have the team lay hands on you please let them know).  If there are many people requesting prayer, please take a seat in the front pews until the team is finished praying with others.

Praying for and with one another is at the heart of what we do as a church.  We look forward to praying with you!

Get Involved:

There are many opportunities for getting more fully involved in the life, worship and outreach of St. Paul’s.

On Sundays
Even if you’re only here for a short time, we want your help! If you can help us out in preparing the Altar, acting as Greeter or Acolyte, or reading the lessons and prayers, please speak to Andrea or call the Parish Office. The schedule is organized week by week via WhatsApp on the basis of availability. Training is given! Greatest current need: Greeters and Acolytes.

Prayer Group and Daughters of the King
We are hoping to revive the Prayer Group of St. Paul’s, and ask members to assist with prayers for healing on the first Sunday of each month. For information on the Prayer Group please speak to Ben Oduwole; if you would like to know more about the Daughters of the King, please speak to Yvette Manigold or Maleah Rios; or call the Parish Office.

Joel Nafuma Refugee Center
If you are interested in volunteering your time teaching on a regular basis, helping with the distribution of clothing and toiletries, or if you have professional skills you would like to offer, please speak to Mansur Nadri or send an email to The JNRC accepts donations of second-hand clothing and shoes (clean and in good condition, please), and underwear or socks only if new. We can also take some children’s clothing and toys.

And Finally

If you have enjoyed your visit to St. Paul’s, please consider making a financial contribution, great or small. Donations can be made through our app, by Paypal, bank transfer or cash in the offering plate (envelopes are available if necessary). More information and links can be found here .